Archive | June, 2016

Everyday Pleasures

2 Jun

Fellow Quilters,

Quilters are some of the kindest people in the world – so many of them/you/us make quilts simply to give away, sometimes to people that we don’t even know.  Right now, many quilters across Canada are making quilts and pillow cases for the citizens of Fort McMurray, recently ravaged by forest fires, simply because we can and because they need them.  My modern quilt group is coordinating a group quilt project, and my regular quilt guild is collecting quilts and pillow cases.  Local shops have also encouraged their customers to join in, with overwhelming response. It’s inspiring!

I was thinking the other day of some of the special people and experiences that I’ve had the pleasure to know because of my involvement in quilting.  Last month, I presented a trunk show and workshop at the Kemptville Quilt guild.  My host Maureen was so hospitable, as were her husband and grown kids.  Son Eric practiced woodworking as a hobby, and he gave me one of his fabulous hand-made seam rippers before I left.

Seam ripper

Hand-crafted dual seam ripper made by Eric

It feels so nice in my hand, much nicer than the chain-store ones in my tool kit.  It is a treat to use!

Likewise, during the quilting cruise that I was on in February, I had the pleasure of having Pat Buckley Moss and her daughter Mary in my classes.  I gave Mary my leftover fabrics for her sashiko quilt that she wanted to enlarge.  I needed to lighten my load on my return trip!  When I returned home, there was a lovely hand-painted ornament in my mailbox, crafted by Pat herself.

painted ornament

Hand-painted ornament by Pat Buckley Moss

I did not know until that moment that Pat is a fabulous artist!  Now I have a cherished memento of our time on the cruise.

Two weeks ago, I was in Salt Lake City attending Spring Quilt Market, the industry trade show.  It was great to re-connect with my colleagues, whom I haven’t seen for several months as I travelled in New Zealand, Australia & the southern USA.  Northcott has some wonderful talented team members, and I enjoyed spending time with them.  Christina snapped a photo of me in my new dress made with a border print from the upcoming Radiance collection and posted it on Facebook.

Radiance dress

Me wearing my dress made with the Radiance collection

The dress pattern is an old one from my stash of clothing patterns, and I try to make a new dress for each show.  This one is my favorite!  It was perfect for Spring.

While at Market, I met up with fellow pattern designer Susan-Claire Mayfield, a.k.a. Gourmet Quilter, from New Zealand.  She is such an inspiration to me.  She has this fantastic Block-of-the-day pattern called That Town and Country Quilt.

That Town and Country Quilt

That Town and Country Quilt by Gourmet Quilter

You sign up at Gourmet Quilter, and Susan sends you 7 new blocks every week. I first saw it last summer at the designer retreat that we both attended, and fell in love with it.  Well, when I was at AQS Paducah in April, Susan-Claire was at Hancock’s, and I purchased the fabric kit for her quilt.  I haven’t even ordered the pattern yet.  I truly have no idea when I shall make it, but it is a darling quilt.  I haven’t even started yet, so I am officially 5 months behind.  Maybe I’ll start it this summer with my mom at the cottage…

I have several presentations/trunk shows in the next 3 weeks, so if you are in the area of any of them, please drop in.  The biggest one is Friday June 17th at Quilt Canada in Toronto.  This is a wonderful 4-day conference with teachers from everywhere.  There is still space in my trunk show at 2pm if you haven’t already bought a ticket and are available.  I’m also at the Sunset Quilt Guild in Kincardine on June 6th, the Bayfield Quilt Guild on June 21st, and the Ganaraska Quilt Guild in Orono on June 22nd.

Last month I participated in a blog tour for Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Volume 13 issue, and I’d like to announce the winners:

Dana Gaffney and Kathy Pfaltzgraff will receive packets of Shimmer fabrics from the Artisan Spirit brand by Northcott for their comments on the My Favorite Jewels post. Dana also receives a copy of the magazine.

Joellyn Partyka and Vicki Terpstra will receive packets of Toscana pinks for their comments on the Pretty in Pink post.  Joellyn also receives a copy of the magazine.

And lastly, Kathy Erickson, Diana M. Diana, and Glenda McDonough will receive packets of Beacon Hall cranberry for commenting on my post way back in December. Thanks to all who posted a comment.  Your feedback is terrific!

Occasionally, quilters email me with pictures of quilts that they’ve made with my patterns.  It’s such a thrill to read these emails.  Joanne Tschantre recently sent me a picture of her Celtic Cobblestones quilt, made from the pattern in Love of Quilting magazine 2 or 3 years ago.

Celtic Cobblestones quilt

Joanne Tschantre’s Celtic Cobblestones quilt

Didn’t she do a nice job?  Thanks for sharing, Joanne.

Time for a giveaway!  Today I will give away 5 of my patterns.  For a chance to win, please visit, click on my name in the Designers box and choose your favorite one, then leave a comment telling me which one it is.

