Archive | February, 2013

Stone Strips are like quilters’ candy

20 Feb

Fellow Quilters,

A friendly “shout out” to visitors from American Patchwork & Quilting’s Facebook “fan club”.  AP&Q is celebrating its 25,000th fan – woohoo!  What a milestone!  Speaking of Facebook, Northcott’s Marketing Specialist Jennifer Brennan has been working diligently over the past several months developing Northcott’s e-community, including our Facebook page.  I’d like you to visit it, and here’s why…

Last Fall Northcott asked me to develop some new strip packs for the Stonehenge fabrics.  We had 5 existing combinations of Stone Strips, those delicious 2½” strips that are used in so many great quilt projects (each strip pack contains 2 each of 20 fabrics).  Back in the day, when the original 5 were created, there were a handful of Stonehenge fabrics.  The Stonehenge texture category has steadily grown to now include over 200 fabulous textured fabrics in a myriad of colors and values.  My goal was to include each and every one of them in one way or another.  Could I do it?

I covered our sewing table with swatches of each fabric, then started creating groupings of 20 fabrics that played nicely together.  I sorted and shuffled, walked away and reshuffled again, until I had 10 tantalizing groupings that even I couldn’t resist: Everest, Toast, Winter, Spring, Autumn, Sand & Surf, Lakeside, Iris, Festive, and Singapore Sling.  I bet you can already picture them!


Then I asked some talented pattern designers to showcase them, and they did me proud!  These new Stone Strip packs and patterns are shipping to quilt shops shortly, but I have 6 packs to give away now.

How to Enter

  1. Click here to visit the Northcott Facebook page to see all of the new Stonehenge strip packs and coordinating patterns. They are in the latest album called Stone Strips.
  2. Come back to my blog and leave a comment below this post. Tell me which is your favorite Stonehenge strip pack and why. (*Tip- You have to hit view comments and scroll all the way down to the bottom to leave your own comment. Be sure to use the email you check the most often as this will be the only method of contact if you are drawn as a winner.)
  3. You have until Thursday February 28, 2013 to leave a comment.
  4. The comment you post is your entry into the giveaway. The prizes are the 6 Stonehenge strip packs shown here in the photo. I will randomly draw 6 winners on Friday March 1, 2013. Each will we awarded 1 Stonehenge strip pack. Winners will be notified via email.
